Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Board held on July 27, 2005, at 7:30 p.m., in the Town Offices.



                                      ELI HAUSER, VICE CHAIR

                                      WAYNE BRADLEY, CLERK

                                      PAUL LAUENSTEIN

                                      PETER O’CAIN, ASST. TOWN ENGINEER


Business transacted:


I.                Meeting called to order.










Mr. Bradley recused himself from this part of the meeting as he was an abutter to the property.


Mr. Hauser read the legal notice to open the public hearing.  Mr. Faria, on behalf of the applicant, explained that they were here under the Planning Board’s new stormwater bylaw.  Guidelines under this section have to do with erosion, clearing the site, wastewater disposal during construction.  Mr. Faria indicated that they had submitted their stormwater plan to the town engineer, Mr. O’Cain.



                                                                  Administrative Assistant


Minutes of Meeting                                 Page Two                       July 27, 2005


Mr. O’Cain further explained that this plan indicates where the applicant will store trucks, equipment and chemicals; where they will clean the trucks; make sure that all equipment and work is as far away from the wetlands as possible.  The applicant will have to provide a covenant regarding this issue which will be recorded at the Registry of Deeds.


Ms. Yarro, of Horsley & Witten, indicated that she hasn’t seen any documents regarding this application to be able to properly review this issue.  Ms. Maniscalco answered that there are specific guidelines that have to be followed as part of the by-law.  Mr. O’Cain can provide information for her review, but it will not impede the Board’s decision on this matter.  Mr. Lauenstein asked how it will be determined if the plan conforms with the by-law.  Mr. O’Cain answered that there is a checklist provided that both the developer has to follow and the engineering department reviews for conformance. 


The Board then went on to review Mr. O’Cain’s memorandum outlining the issues that were still outstanding.  That memorandum is attached hereto and made a part of these minutes.  Per that memorandum, Items 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 are complete.  Item 4 is done except that Mr. O’Cain can request temporary detention basins as needed.  Item 5 is done except that the applicant must provide receipts to the DPW showing they are done.  Item 8 needs to be added to the bond.  Item 9 – the applicant needs to provide an estimate of the construction costs so that Mr. O’Cain can set the surety.  Item 10 – the covenant needs to be provided to the Board.


An abutter asked why this was being done now and was not part of the subdivision approval process.  Mr. O’Cain explained that the drainage was all reviewed during the approval process.  This is for on-site work during the construction phase.  Ms. Maniscalco added that this issue would not be necessary if the subdivision were not going to be approved. 






Minutes of Meeting                           Page Three                               July 27, 2005


Mr. Wein of Lantern Lane asked about the rate of flow and discharge during construction and said that he was concerned about the wetlands behind his house.  Mr. O’Cain responded that that is why the applicant is required to have hay bales placed and that is the idea behind this by-law – to deal with those types of issues.


Mr. O’Cain further added that this by-law gives him the authority to check out the site, identify any new problems and have the contractor correct any issues that arise.


Mr. Lauenstein asked what chemicals will be stored on the site.  Mr. Faria answered that there will be no chemicals stored on the site. 


Mr. Hauser moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Mr. Lauenstein and unanimously voted.


Mr. O’Cain explained that the Board needed to write a letter to the Board of Selectmen indicating that it had held the required public hearing and that the Board recommends approval of the stormwater permit.


Mr. Lauenstein moved to recommend approval of the stormwater application for the Hunter’s Ridge CSD to the Board of Selectmen, on the condition that items 2, 9 and 10 of Mr. O’Cain’s memorandum to the Planning Board dated July 21, 2005, be met.  Seconded by Mr. Hauser and unanimously voted.


Mr. Hauser moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Mr. Lauenstein and unanimously voted.




Mr. Bradley read the legal notice to open the public hearing.  Mr. Dana Clow, representing the applicant, explained that they had prepared the stormwater plan to protect the site.



Minutes of Meeting                            Page Four                      July 27, 2005



Mr. Clow first explained that the drainage has slightly changed from the last time they were in.  The runoff from the peak of the street will not go down the street.  They will provide a detention basin to prevent the water from going onto adjacent property.  The bottom half of the property will have two catch basins midway down and a double grate catch basin at Mansfield Street.  On either side of the paved drive, there is a system of infiltrators and recharge units.  They will provide enough storage to hold a 100-year storm. 


Mr. O’Cain added that there will be hay bales with silt fencing placed at the edge of the property   Mr. Clow further added that they have doubled up on the hay bales and added a silt fence to prevent any water going down the steep slope. 


Mr. Levine, an abutter to the site, asked if his property would be affected by the construction.  Mr. Clow answered that the drainage was being directed to the other side of the roadway and moved away from his property so there should not be any adverse impact to his property. 


The Board then reviewed Mr. O’Cain’s memorandum regarding the construction issues.


Mr. Lauenstein moved to recommend approval of the stormwater application for the King Philip’s Estates to the Board of Selectmen, on the condition that items 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 of Mr. O’Cain’s memorandum to the Planning Board dated July 21, 2005, be met.  Seconded by Mr. Hauser and unanimously voted.


Mr. Hauser then moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Mr. Lauenstein and unanimously voted. 






Minutes of Meeting                                  Page Five                           July 27, 2005




Members of the P.O. Square Revitalization Committee wanted to meet with the Planning Board to discuss the possible opening of a Dunkin Donuts (“DD”) in the Square where the Sharon Mart used to be. 


Mr. Kopel, the co-chair, explained some of the history of the site.  Initially there was a two story building there built out to the street.  It was a marketplace/general store.  In 1967, a fire destroyed the original building and what is there now was built with parking in the front and two entrances.  This building did not keep to the design of what the Town would now like to see.  Main Street is being renovated and the requirement of having a handicap ramp will impact one of the entrances.  The Committee is concerned that the DD building will stick way out on South Main Street and not necessarily keep with the design the Town would like to see.  The Committee is working with DD to get them to stay with the design guidelines for P.O. Square.  What they are currently proposing is a typical DD building.  The proponent did not own the building but would be leasing it.


This was to be a more upscale DD, a new concept creating a café-type of environment.  The proponent did not as yet have a design for the store.  However, after cutting through all the smoke, this was just another DD.  The Committee asked if the proponent was planning on following the design guidelines and he admitted he hadn’t even looked at them yet.  He was not even aware that there were controls for signage in the Square.  The proponent is a resident of Sharon and owns a number of these franchises in other communities. 


The Committee tried to explain to the proponent the intent of the design guidelines and that the Town wanted the Square to be a “place” and the pink of DD is not exactly what the Town is looking for.  The Committee suggested he might look at Elliot Square Café in Harvard Square as an example of the direction the Town was looking at. 




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During the discussions, several suggestions were brought up that the applicant might want consider, such as opening up the store front façade, bring the building out to Main Street, do something more vertical at that corner.  Parking is a big problem. 


Ms. Maniscalco said that she had spoken with the owner of the building by telephone to see what he had in mind for the premises.  There was a severe water issue.  The Town is looking for a piece of property that it may put a wastewater treatment plant on.  The owner said that he has an extremely lucrative proposition on the table.  If it falls through, he will talk with the Town about something else. 


Mr. O’Cain said that the septic system was under the parking lot in front.  If anything goes in here, you would have to consider what to do with the septic issue if the building is moved all the way out to the curb. 


Mr. Bradley said that putting a DD in this spot would create a traffic nightmare.  At least Starbucks has the Town lot behind it for parking and people can go around the corner on Main Street.  Mr. Kopel said that if a restaurant should be considered for this site, the area would have to truly be a pedestrian way. 


Mr. Lauenstein suggested that since this was an important area in the Town, the Board should consider hiring a professional planner to work with the proponent.  Mr. Koff has been doing a lot of this type of work in Sharon and perhaps it would be worthwhile to bring him in on this project as well to assure a consistency for the entire area. 


Ms. Maniscalco thanked the members of the Committee for coming in to discuss this issue with the Board and keeping the Board informed of possible developments in the Square. 




Minutes of Meeting                                 Page Seven                        July 27, 2005


I.                OTHER BUSINESS


---Mr. Lauenstein reported that he had attended the Board of Health meeting regarding the Wilbur School.  The Wilbur School Revitalization Committee indicated that they want to make something happen regarding that property.  Discussions having been going on for 25 years as to what to do with the school and they want to see something accomplished and not push off action for another 25 years.  The major roadblock now is how much waste water could be disposed of.  At that meeting, their consultant, Mr. Koff, presented six different hypothetical situations, showing how much waste water each situation would generate.  The figures the Board of Health provided are far less than any scenario given by Mr. Koff.  The Committee wants to get a realistic figure so that they can propose something that will fit within those figures.


---Selectmen Grasfield informed the Planning Board that the Board of Health was proposing two Town Meeting Articles that were similar to the Planning Board’s.  He suggested that the two Boards get together to discuss these proposed changes and perhaps end up with only two articles instead of four.  Ms. Maniscalco reported that she had spoken with Ms. Peck of the Board of Health about this and had discussed what each Board was proposing.  As a result of that discussion, the Planning Board would not be going forward with its proposed changes to the MUOD.


II.            There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was

       adjourned at 11:15 p.m.